
Vinyl, Vinnie, Waffa, any kin names


He/Him, It/its, Xe/Xir, Star/Stars

DNI!! (Please scroll⇩)

any type of bigot: Homophobe, transphobe, racist, ableist etc

Anti anything I am: therian, otherkin, xenogender, etc

Double (fictive/kictokin/irl/kin) of my fictokins

people who ship: WallMark, OverMax, any of my kins/megaton

Heavy enjoyers of: bts, those whack object shows, country human/balls, Mannequin_Mark, Vflower, Sunder

Fun identity stuff:

18, pan, omniromantic, genderfluid, libramasc & a bunch of Xenos

Extra stuff:

tone tags needed, physically disabled & neurodivergent

My pookie :D
